This Teacher Can Teach

What can a teacher teach a speaker? In this case, how to communicate!

Ron Clark is young, brash and unique. He jumps around the stage - heck he dances around, stands on tables and does the double dutch – so hyper that Dale Irvin even says  that decaf is too much for Ron. But he can teach – and how.

He is too young to be called America's Educator, but he is. He is too young to have a movie made about him, but he did. He won the teacher of the year award from Disney, was on Oprah, and now has his bestselling book out that is revolutionizing teaching in the inner city.

Ron got an extended standing ovation from the Million Dollar Round Table audience of 8,000 this week – not only because we liked his energy, humor and zest for teaching, but because we liked his ideas.

Primary teaching point – as effective a communicator as you might be, passionate about your subject and confident in your approach – you have to have more. Here's three things:

Content: He started with no knowledge but 5 rules, then 8, then11, and after a couple of years he was teaching the 55 rules. The rules weren’t restrictive, but expansive. Here's a summary of his book "The Essential 55."

Care: but what was made the difference was his care for his kids. His first class in an underprivileged harlem school was at the bottom of the heap, and in one year he took the 37 kids to the top. Two years later they ALL graduated. Because Ron Clark went to their homes and talked to their parents, came to their turf and hung out, sat in the stands at their games.

Contrast: He did the unexpected, was always interesting and even outrageous, and made every day an adventure - every lesson compelling. He lives the SHARP principles. He risked.

"I’ve been looking all over the world for adventure, and the best adventure turned out to be in my kids classrooms."

"The more specific you can be with expectations the better the results."

"Teachers are competing with iPods, video games, easy drugs, TV, attitude. You HAVE to engage at their level. You can't do it anymore without a lot of creativity and energy."

Look at Ron on video, and then you might see why he now has the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta - teaching others how to communicate to kids.

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