Alltop – Inspiring New Ideas

Guy Kawasaki has a brilliant new product in Alltop. It's an aggregator - what he calls a 'magazine rack' of the best of the internet - and a lot more.

I noted it before for speaking, but after using it for awhile now, I find it to be the fastest for the best of whatever you're interested in. So...

Since this blog is about communicating and speaking, I'm going to feature here the best, or most interesting, or otherwise unusual post I can find from Alltop that relates to getting your message across, influencing, and making a difference.

Here's the first:

From the blog Speaking About Presenting:

Scientific Evidence for Banning Bullets

Multitasking is a delusion - which at a minimum should revolutionize anyone's use of PowerPoints or Keynotes. Tests prove (and experience shows) that you cannot be talking and have someone supposedly listening while they are reading your slides. (BTW - use Black Slides!)

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