Impact With Technology

We emphasize the WITH here!

When it comes to persuasive impact in our communications, it is not through technology, but only with it. YOU are always the centerpiece of your presentation, and no graphically dazzling slide should ever replace you.

With all the advances in technology, we must continuously emphasize the critical importance of human confidence in the delivery as well as in the tools of delivery - the primary tool being yourself. With greater "high tech" we need a corresponding increase in "high touch." Otherwise, advanced technology will just make our mistakes stand out even more.

That's exactly why Steve Jobs presentations are so powerful. While he uses elegantly simple slides and perfectly timed and executed demos, he remains the center of the presentation. Often, he will completely clear the screen (using a black slide) to refocus the audience's attention back on him.

Remembering that you are the presentation, develop visuals that enhance your point of view. After all, visuals are important:

  • 55% of believability comes through the visual
  • A 500% average increase in retention occurs when visuals are used in a presentation
  • 83% of what we know is learned by seeing and observing

For great tips on presentation design, check out Garr Reynold's blog Presentation Zen.

Always keep in mind that you are your most important visual aid. Train yourself first so that you have a confidence that never quits in the face of new technology.

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